ACS Atsumi Dance & Go Club



Atsumi Go Club Cover Image

About Us

Welcome to Atsumi Go Club! We’re a passionate Go club founded by the Dobranis family from Bistrița, Romania.


Our mission is to spread the knowledge of Go, foster strategic thinking, and build a strong, supportive community of players.


As a club, we organize national competitions, participate in international events, and proudly represent Romania in Asia. Players like Darius (3 dan) and Denis (6 dan) Dobraniș play a key role in our growth and success, inspiring us all to reach new heights!


Our Activity

Teach GO


We dedicate oursevles to passing Go knowledge in our community! Darius Dobraniș, 3 dan, teaches go to young players!

Organize Competitions


Our club has organized over 3 National Championships and 4 local competitions. 

Participate in Tournaments


Our players represent Romania in very strong National and International Competitions


26 ianuarie 2025
Începem anul 2025 lansând prima grupă de începători la ACS Atsumi! După ani de performanță alături
30 decembrie 2024
Tânărul rising star al Go-ului românesc este pregătit să își testeze limitele la Finala Grand Prix
26 noiembrie 2024
Echipa României de Juniori la Go, câștigătoare a locului 2 la Campionatul European de Perechi Pandanet

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Str. Grigore Bălan, nr. 48 420016 Bistrita, Romania

 +40 755 073 559

 +40 749 455 567